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albums of evetseht
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London 17-23.04.09
Telling our friends about the engagement
Paris Easter Engagement trip
Light House
March 2009
Jessy's Birthday
Marvin's & Jessy's Birthday
Sabrina's surprise babyshower and boy's night out
February 2009
January 09
Last days in SF, first days of 2009
Last day of 2008
LA 28-30.12.08
LV 25-28.12.08
Xmas Eve
SF 19-24.12.08
Last days in Jakarta
3-day Birthday Bash part 2&3
3-day Birthday bash part 1
First days in Jakarta
Bye bye Bali
Day 5 Bali
Going out in Bali
Lukas and Mei Li Birthday Bash
the Day after the Wedding
The after party - Bob & Char
Wedding reception Bob & Char
Despedida de Soltera of Char - Day 2 Bali
Tea ceremony & Wedding Rehearsal - Bob & Char - Day 2 Bali
Day 1 Bali
Hong Kong 10-14.10.08
London 06-08.09.08
Summerday 01.09.08
Paris 22-24.08.08
Mom's B-day trip 01.08.08-03.08.08
Random xx.08.08
Dolls Birthday 09.08.08
Thomas Bday 13.07.08
Lomo LC-A ??.??.07
London 21.06.08-24.06.08
T5 29.06.08
Lomo x SF 2006
Wedding of Devi & Liong Kie on Film
Wedding of Devi & Liong Kie - Digital
T5 19.06.08
Lomo Fisheye 2006
Alex B-day 23.05.08
Cameras & Lenses
First attempt at IR
Lomo ??.??.07
XA ??.??.07
T5 ??.??.2007
Ajax - Heerenveen 05.05.08
Berlin Roadtrip 30.04.08-04.05.08
Donate your space goes clubbing 05.04.08
Berlin 21.03.08-24.03.08