Picture Zealot: Allie and Tail on Perch
dahowes: Petal
Mars Observer ♂: Twinkle Twinkle
Double With Cream (absent...sorry!): If animals could speak the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.~Mark Twain
Salvodue: Nuvola
Double With Cream (absent...sorry!): My drunk soul is sadder than all the dead christmas trees of the world (C. Bukowski)
spooky672: DSC_0109
Double With Cream (absent...sorry!): So perfect in my eyes...
Maria Dattola: La pioggia. (Explore #306)
hooby-marburg: Self-concept
tomato_senya: механик камеры Вова
monti2008: Viktoria
s1ngerman: Grrrrr.....
Carmem: My great love
*donald*: Fire on Your Finger