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albums of European Week of Regions and Cities
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13A116 - Smart Specialisation and Energy Platform - Energy and innovation tendencies of European regions
13A113 - Culture and creative industries in the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (R3S) - how are regions handling it?
13C129 - Policy Lab for Managing Authorities III - How to support beneficiaries , the policy lab working method in practice
URB13A124 - Building capacity for Smart Specialisation in Urban areas
13B127 - Integrated services to NEETs , long-term unemployed and other vulnerable groups
13A128 - The Importance of Marine data for the Development of the Blue Economy on Local and Regional Level
Master Class - Feed-back - Final exchange on the Master Class between organisers and participants
13A126 - Sustainable Research Infrastructures and socio-economic impact - opportunities and challenges for the regions
Master Class - Negotiating Europe
UNIV13B121 - Migration and Cities - Territorial Aspects of Migration
UNIV13A123 - Sustained and sustainable economic growth - Balancing economic and ecological development in cities and regions
13C118 - EU Regional Innovation Policies looking forward Post-2020: RIS3 and Simplification
UNIV13A122 - Sustainable Innovation within the European Digital Agenda - Exploiting regional smart specialisations through an inter-regional Joint Action Plan
13A129 - International cooperation for improving the capacity to deal with waste management in the Mediterranean
13C43 - Policy Lab for Managing Authorities I - Working together to develop arenas for exchange between managing authorities-intermediate bodies
3A120 - Industrial Technologies for Inter-regional Cooperation and Growth
UNIV13C112 - Spatial Data Requirements for Effective Spatial Policy
UNIV13A111 - Smart Specialisation Five Years on - from Design to Implementation
UNIV13A23 - Is EU manufacturing ready for Industry 4.0?
13C117 - Gold plating - a stumbling block to beneficiary-friendly ESI Funds?
13A115 - From smart specialisation to investment projects for industry modernisation
13A144 - Mind The gap..
URB13C119 - Urban Impact Assessments - A tool for better law making
Networking Sessions
Visit Port Sud, promoting intangible heritage for sustainable quality of life
INV12A94 - Overcoming obstacles to investments: presentation of the 7th CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020 and the European Semester
12C95 - Joint REGI-COTER meeting: Achieving better performance in Cohesion Policy
UNIV12B99 - Moving micro-businesses towards the productivity frontier
Master Class - Research for policy-makers: the European Parliament
12C54 - Cross-border rural areas and European Territorial Cooperation Programmes
UNIV12A100 - Challenges and opportunities of climate change
Investors' Cafe
12B97 - Interact Talks "The role of European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) in addressing current territorial challenges: the use of ESI funds tackling labour market inclusion, migration and refugee crisis"
INV12A93 - EU LIFE programme: A chance for green business, innovation and job creation preserving the environment
12A96 - Agriculture and Innovation in the Mediterranean Regions: High potential for boosting rural areas
URB12A105 - Supporting urban climate change adaptation
URB12B98 - Political event on the Urban Agenda for the EU - Part 2
12A139 - Engaging regions and cities in the Investment Plan for Europe
12B106 - Integration of migrants in the labour market
12A101 - Integrity Pacts
12C108 - Maximising the potential of e-Governance
URB12B98 - Political event on the Urban Agenda for the EU
10E01B - Opening Event- Regiostars exhibition
INV12C77 - CLLD – How does it really work?
12A82 - How Interreg IPA cross border cooperation
12C88 - Simplification key to success for a performant programme
12C87 - How to efficiently apply for EU funds
12B86 - Jobs at the borders
URB12B133 - Urban Agenda for the EU – Partnership on inclusion of migrants and refugees
12B10 - Contribution of non-agricultural geographically
URB12A74 - Succeeding locally in a circular economy
INV12B19 - Promoting young entrepreneurship at regional and local level: The European Entrepreneurial Region experience
12A83 - Integrating funds and policies towards active inclusion
INV12B72 - Mapping the Entrepreneurial DNA of the European Regions and Cities
URB12A89 - How can cities use smart technology to encourage a circular chain of local production, distribution and consumption?
INV12C73 - Financial Instruments under ESIF (2014-2020) – Public banks sharing experiences and best practices
URB12B131 - Urban Agenda for the EU – Partnership on Housing
12A81 - Renewable energy and circular economy
URB12B78 - Holistic and integrated urban development as pathway to resilient and inclusive cities
12A56 - Open Data for Macro-Regional Development
12A55 - Harnessing the benefits of international cooperation
12B76 - Achieving social inclusion in Community-Led Local Development in the context of results-oriented policies
12B75 - EU Regions - Partners for Youth
URB12A51 - Medium sized cities: An opportunity for sustainable inward investment and enterprise growth in a global economy
12A61 - A pathway to circular economy in cities and regions
URB12C53 - Cities as poles of up-to-date economic development
URB12B132 - Urban Agenda for the EU – Partnership on Air Quality
INV12A52 - The need for investment in social infrastructures
12B59 - Smart Homes for Independent Living
12A58 - Boosting the development of information products and services
12C32 - Public Procurement Meets Open Data
12B60 - Accelerating the digital transformation of government
12A57 - Building European value-chains based on regional specialisations for circular economy
11E50 - EWRC Official reception and RegioStars Award Ceremony
11A44 - The final regional Social Progress Index
11A35 - Renaissance for Remote Rurban Regions through Research
11A34 - New Urban Mobility Services
11A16 - Green solutions for energy poverty
INV11A14 - Funding sustainable TEN-T-related investments to improve regional competitiveness
11B46 - Building bridges at the EU’s external borders
11A11 - Youth Entrepreneurship
Winners of Regiostars Awards
11A45 - Smart Regions in Smart Europe
URB11A41 - Cities as actors of open innovation
UNIV11B22 - The new self-employed in Europe. Do they contribute to territorial and social cohesion?
11C48 - Helping 99% of European businesses to grow their potential
11C47 - The work of the Interact Programme on harmonised tools for the Interreg community
11B42 - Ensuring the social inclusion of the most disadvantaged through integrated Community-Led Local Development
RegioSars Press Conference
Meeting place - Policy learning lab: practical approaches for smart and sustainable regions
Master Class - Regions, cities, rural areas: evidence-based policy-making, evaluation and research
URB11B38 - Creating inclusive cities and combating urban poverty
INV11A37 - Enhance Regional Innovation and Growth: combining ESIF and Joint Undertaking funding
URB11E136 - Project visit Port Sud
11B29 - The Skills Guarantee in your region
11A39 - "JASPERS advisory support to non-major projects, program schemes and horizontal actions – in smart urban development, RDI and energy efficiency"
Cohesion Policy at work: past and future
INV11C18 - Cross-border investments: Potential, achievements and challenges
11A40 - Climate change and major projects.
URB11A36 - The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy: tackling energy poverty in regions and cities
11A27 - European Territorial Cooperation and the Role of Third Country Participation
11A49 - Policy lab: practical approaches for smart and sustainable regions
11A26 - From bio- waste to bio-based products
11A25 - Ensuring a Competitive Edge
Master Class - Paper presentations by participants and debate with EU officials and researchers
11C15 - Inter-city approaches to funding and delivering Smart City Ambitions
URB11E138 - Project visit: Community Land Trust Brussels, an innovative initiative for housing
11A24 - Mainstreaming of climate action
11C12 - Efficient and effective use of ESI Funds
UNIV11A110 - Sustainable Societies of Tomorrow
11A28 - Silver economy and regional development
11B107 - EUSALP
INV11A20 - Contribution of the European GNSS to the Smart Mobility in the Regions and Cities
11A79 - Reassessing economic development policies for regions and cities
URB11C33 - Meeting place - Urban Innovative Actions: solutions for sustainable urban development from cities in the second call for proposals
URB11A130 - European Cities report workshop
11C04 - The post-2020 growth and jobs agenda
CoR President at the Investors' Café
11A05 - Towards an EU Rural Agenda
11A02 - Towards the circular economy
11C03 - Policymaking in 21st century
11A02 - Food Waste and the circular economy - practical solutions for successful implementation
11A06 - Eastern Partnership Territorial and Parliamentary Cooperation
UNIV11C07 - Urban Development:Territorial Policy Provisions
11A05 - Towards an EU Rural Agenda – Revitalisation Opportunities and Challenges
UNIV11A08 - Knowledge Pearls
Master Class - Implementing EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 the state of play - Presentation and discussion
URB11B134 - EU Urban Agenda - Partnership on urban poverty
11A06 - Eastern Partnership Territorial and Parliamentary Cooperation Advancing economic development, entrepreneurship and research & innovation
11A09 - Cities and regions as launch-pads for digital transformation
11C03 - Debate: Policymaking in 21st century
European Week of Regions and Cities: Opening Event- Regiostars exhibition
10E01A - European Week of Regions and Cities: Opening Session
Roundtable with journalists
Master Class - Welcome
Welcome & Registration
Illustration 10 - 01
M001 - Introduction EU Regional Policy and Challenges Ahead