eurotransient: Today's champion on the right... Tomorrow on the left?
eurotransient: This is the assless chap man and I. I'll let you sort out which is which.
eurotransient: This guy actually has a superhero costume. And yes, he rocks. The Fro forever!
eurotransient: The reigning champion. And he's as good as that implies. Wow.
eurotransient: Zoom in. Those are assless.
eurotransient: This man is wearing nothing but yellow swim trunks and a tie. And he stage dove and no one caught him. AMAZING!
eurotransient: Don't stop believin...
eurotransient: The air bassist seems more interested in flexing his muscles than air playing during Iron Man.
eurotransient: Every face you see here is about to suffer from beingrockedoffitis.
eurotransient: "We are a charitable, 503c non-profit organization dedicated to rocking you!"
eurotransient: This is just a fraction of the longest rock pose ever held.
eurotransient: Gimme a B flat major7!!!