eurotransient: The hotel's mini fridge might be set too cold.
eurotransient: The Snowman With No Name
eurotransient: Look at these fancy strawberries someone sent our office!
eurotransient: Look at that nice thick coat of ice on the branches!
eurotransient: Untitled
eurotransient: Some travel pics from a couple years ago.
eurotransient: Instaerror3003. I always knew Diablo was a lazy hipster :-/
eurotransient: Cute little spot to pre-game at Nationals Park
eurotransient: Mr. Micks
eurotransient: Pensive Nacho
eurotransient: My bro hosting his first ever panel at an anime convention!
eurotransient: Spock says "Don't walk."
eurotransient: All the leaves are gone and the sky is blue.
eurotransient: Crosswords and Coffee
eurotransient: Watch Out!
eurotransient: My Existential Pumpkin
eurotransient: This saucy lady is gonna be dishy and deep.
eurotransient: I'm Thirsty
eurotransient: Michael Phillips, are you in there?
eurotransient: Hello, Chicago.
eurotransient: Poor egg cookery can lead to obligatory dentistry.
eurotransient: Snoopy In The Sky With Diamonds
eurotransient: Empty Fortune
eurotransient: The Beautiful Game
eurotransient: Traffic to FedEx Field blows.
eurotransient: Over The Tuileries