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albums of POLITICO.eu
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2024-12-12 - Navigating the Cloud
2024-12-10 POLITICO 28 Afterparty
2024-12-10 POLITICO 28 Gala Dinner
2024-12-11 P28 Post-celebration lunch
2024-12-5 - POLITICO's Sustainable Future Week Day 3
2024-12-4 - POLITICO's Sustainable Future Week Day 2
2024-12-3 - POLTICO's Sustainable Future Week Dinner
2024-12-3 - POLITICO's Sustainable Future Week Day 1
2024-12-04 Westminster Winter Drinks
2024-11-28 Financial Services UK Summit
2024-11-26 AI and innovation: creating EU champions
2024-12-02 POLITICO AperoPro - the incoming Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU
2024-12-02 - POLITICO AperoPro - the incoming Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
2024-11-26 | Post-elections: the transatlantic quest for competitiveness and sustainability
2024-11-22 | AI & Governance: Threading the needle
POLITICO's Spotlight "Social policy: A driver for Europe's competitiveness?"
2024-11-20 - POLITICO's Health Care Summit Day 2
2024-11-19 - POLITICO's Health Care Summit Day 1
2024-11-18 - Electrifying ride-hailing for a faster and cleaner transition
2024-10-16 - The uptake of technologies to fly net zero by 2050
2024-10-17 In Conversation with POLITICO editors: piecing together the new EU Commission puzzle
2024-10-14 AI & elections: Are democracies ready?
2024-10-14 AmCham EU x POLITICO The Debate
2024-10-09 | Let’s find common ground: Ein Diskussionsabend rund um die Zukunftsfähigkeit Nordrhein-Westfalens
2024-10-01 - POLITICO's Competitive Europe Week Day 1
2024-10-02 - POLITICO's Competitive Europe Week Day 2
2024-10-03 - POLITICO's Competitive Europe Week Day 3
2024-09-30 - POLITICO's Happy Hour at Conservative Party Conference
2024-09-23 - POLITICO's Happy Hour at Labour Party Conference
2024-09-25 - Europe's digital future: Navigating the path of connectivity and innovation
Soirée de rentrée à Paris 2024
Back to School Party 04.09.24
Welcome to Westminster Party 17.07.24
Plenary Welcome Party 2024
2024-07-04 U.K. Election Night Watch Party
2024-06-24 AperoPro Hungarian Presidency
2024-06-19 | The CMU push in the new mandate: What is the role for non-banks?
2024-06-18 - After the elections: what's next for Europe's digital agenda?
2024 EU election hangover brunch
2024-05-23 - In Conversation with POLITICO editors
2024-05-16 | POLITICO Energy and Climate UK Summit
Maastricht Debate 2024
2024-04-29 Watch Party Maastricht
Energie & Climat France | Evénement de lancement
2024-04-18 | Past and future: shaping Europe's industrial policy
Elections européennes 2024: Les candidats répondent à Playbook Paris – Entretien avec Raphaël Glucksmann
2024-04-16| POLITICO Tech & AI Summit
Elections européennes 2024: Les candidats répondent à Playbook Paris – Entretien avec Valérie Hayer
Elections européennes 2024: Les candidats répondent à Playbook Paris - Entretien avec Jordan Bardella
Europe’s road to sustainable competitiveness
POLITICO Berlin Playbook Launch - Paparazzi Wall
POLITICO Berlin Playbook - Launch Event
POLITICO Launches Pro Financial Services UK at the London Stock Exchange
POLITICO Davos Party 2024
The Great AI Debate
POLITICO's Westminster Winter Drinks
2023-12-07 POLITICO Live's "Opening the cloud: competition or regulation?"
2023-12-5 - The housing crisis
2023-12-05 AperoPro Belgian Presidency
2023-11-30 Connectivity for all: EU's vision for a competitive sector
POLITICO 28 Gala Dinner 28.11.23
2023-11-27 Flying toward net zero?
2023-11-21 POLITICO Live Defense Launch event
2023-11-16 | POLITICO Live's Sustainable Future Week - DAY 3
2023-11-15 | POLITICO Live's Sustainable Future Week - DAY 2
2023-11-14 | POLITICO Live's Sustainable Future Week - DAY 1
2023-11-14 POLITICO Live's Sustainable Future Week - Gioia Dinner
2023-11-14 Unlocking access to biosimilars in Europe: what's the way forward?
2023-11-9 POLITICO Live's UK Financial Services Summit
2023-10-26 POLITICO Live’s Spotlight “Carbon Capture and Storage: a climate savior or a daunting challenge for industry?”
2023-10-24 POLITICO Live's Health Care Summit - DAY 1
2023-10-24 POLITICO Live's Health Care Summit - Gioia Dinner
2023-10-25 POLITICO Live's Health Care Summit - Day 2
2023-06-27 Overcoming the burden of rare diseases in Europe
2023-10-10 POLITICO Live’s Spotlight “Solving Europe’s water problem”
2023-10-16 In Conversation with Professor Bradford
2023-10-09 | Meeting Europe’s renewable energy challenge
POLITICO's Happy Hour at Labour Party Conference 2023
POLITICO's Happy Hour at Conservative Party Conference 2023
2023-09-28 - POLITICO's Future of Food and Farming Summit
Soirée de rentrée à Paris
2023-09-19 Open Finance: the battle for data
2023-09-25 - Halfway through the digital decade
2023-09-18 Is Europe losing the hydrogen race?
2023-09-18 POLITICO Live’s Spotlight “Connecting the Future: Unleashing Europe’s Telecoms Single Market Potential”
E&C UK Launch Event
POLITICO Brussels Back to School Party
POLITICO Summer Party
2023-05-07 | POLITICO Live's live podcast taping "When will Europe get there?"
Competitive Europe Summit 2023 - Day 2
Competitive Europe Summit 2023 - Day 1
2023-06-2023 POLITICO Power Hour Women Rule
2023-06-22 POLITICO Power Hour Sports & Diplomacy
2023-06-20 POLITICO Power Hour - outlook 2024
2023-06-20 AperoPro on the Spanish Presidency to the Council to the EU
POLITICO Global Tech Day
POLITICO Spotlight - New Fiscal Order
Europe Tech Summit 2023 - Day 2
Europe Tech Summit 2023 - Day 1
2023-04-25 | Breaking access to medicines
2023-04-20 RAD Launch
POLITICO Tech U.K. Launch Event
POLITICO Live Finance Summit 2023
POLITICO Live's event "Telecoms drumbeat for the future of connectivity"
POLITICO Live's event "Made-in-Europe: How to keep up the fight in the electric car race?"
20230321 - Meet and Greet
Made in Europe: How to keep up the fight in the electric car race?
U.K. Launch 2023
POLITICO Davos Party
POLITICO London Drinks
POLITICO 28 Gala Dinner 0812022
2022-12-06 AperoPro Swedish EU Presidency
POLITICO Live's Sustainable Future Week - 29-11/01-12 2022
POLITICO Live's Spotlight "Plugging holes in the internet: Europe's government and industry responses to spyware" - Oct 25
POLITICO Live's Health Care Summit 2022 - October 27-28 | Brussels
POLITICO Live's event "The role of renewables in a world without Russian energy"
POLITICO Live's Future of Food & Farming Summit - 29-09-2022
POLITICO Paris Party
POLITICO Brussels Back to School Party
POLITICO Live's Spotlight “Tourism in a post-COVID and low-carbon world?” at Booking.com’s event “Resilient, Digital, Sustainable: Taking a Journey to Tomorrow’s Tourism and Travel Sector”
June 22, 2022 - AperoPro – The incoming Czech Presidency
POLITICO London Party 2022
POLITICO's 2022 Competitive Europe Summit -
POLITICO Live's "Powering Europe's digital decade: competitiveness, recovery and resilience"
POLITICO 28 Class of 2022 Dinner - March 22, 2022
POLITICO Live's "Hydrogen: the key carrier of Europe's energy future?" - March 15
POLITICO Live's Finance Summit 10/11-02-2022
2022-02-03&04 EU Studies and Career Fair (23rd edition)
POLITICO Live's "France to the Fore", November 22, 2021
2021-10-12 | POLITICO Live's Event "Raising the green game in finance: how can Europe deliver?"
2021-02-04&05 EU Studies and Career Fair (22nd edition)
2021-03-04 POLITICO's Playbook Paris Interview
2020-07-01 - Competitive Europe Summit
2020-12-2/3 - POLITICO's second Sustainable Future Summit
2020-11-17/18 - POLITICO's fifth Health Care Summit
2020-10-13 POLITICO's event "Applying a European CO2 border tax: from words to action"
2020-10-12 - POLITICO's Virtual Event: Agriculture and Food Changemakers
2020-10-01 | Decarbonization of heavy transport and the role of hydrogen
AI Summit 2020 - Day 2
AI Summit 2020 - Day 1
2020-03-05 | POLITICO Women Rule Live
20200215 | Saturday - POLITICO's EU Studies and Career Fair
20200214 | Friday - POLITICO's EU Studies and Career Fair
20200130 | POLITICO's Event "Funding global health"
21012020 | POLITICO Davos Playbook Live
20200122 | POLITICO's Spotlight "Achieving Sustainability in the Fashion Industry"
20200120 | POLITICO Spotlight at Uber Tech for Safety Summit
20191210 | Energy Visions 3 - Going green
2019-12-10 | POLITICO event "Scaling up Europe: creating global champions?"
2019-12-04 | POLITICO's event "Unlocking the future of health care"
02-12-2019 | POLITICO 28 Gala Dinner
2019-11-12 POLITICO's event: Innovation: Finding Europe's path to global competitiveness
2019-11-12 POLITICO's event: Innovation: Finding Europe's path to global competitiveness
2019-11-06 Energy & Climate Changemakers
2019-10-15 POLITICO Happy Hour
2019-10-08 | POLITICO's event "The New Age of Agriculture"
2019-09-30 | POLITICO's Happy Hour at U.K. Conservative Party Conference
20191003 - Energy Visions 2 - Energy transition
2019-10-02 | POLITICO's Health Care Changemakers
2019-09-23 | POLITICO Happy Hour at U.K. Labour Party Conference
2019-09-24 | POLITICO's event: "The State of 5G: Mind the Gap!"
2019-09-10 | POLITICO London Party
2019-09-04 | POLITICO's event "Europe’s 5G future – Powering the IIoT revolution"
2019-07-09 Implementing the Paris Agreement
2019-07-03 POLITICO's Plenary Welcome Party
2019-06-27 Women Rule Summit 2019
2019-06-11 Industrial strategy
2019-06-11 Playbook Live with President Juncker
2019-05-27 The day after the elections
2016-12-08 ENERGY VISIONS – After Marrakech: How to turn the Paris Climate Deal into Reality?
2019-05-02 Election Integrity 2.0: Voter participation in the digital era
2019-04-11 POLITICO's event; the fight for EU Energy security
2019-04-10 POLITICO's event: "2019 European Elections: The Case For and Against the EU"
2019-04-02 POLITICO's European Elections Great Debates
2019-04-03 | Global Policy Lab: Decoding Cancer Conclusion Event
2019-03-19 AI Summit 2019
2019-03-18 - AI Summit 2019
2019-02-08 EU Studies Fair 2019 - Day Two
2019-02-08 EU Studies Fair 2019 - Day One
2019-01-25 | POLITICO Live Interview with Jacinda Ardern
2019-02-13 | POLITICO London Playbook Live with John McDonnell
2018-12-18 Digitalization: the way to a smart, secure and sustainable energy.
2018-12-06 Is EU a leader in the global race for innovation?
2018-12-03 | POLITICO 28 Annual Gala Dinner
2018-12-04 | Making the Digital Economy Work for Consumers
2018-12-04 | EU Health 2024: What's next for the future of health?
2018-11-29 Giving the EU's electricity market a facelift
2018-11-27 From theory to applications: materializing Europe’s autonomous future
2018-11-26 | Disruptive innnovation and society: a balancing act
20181123 Playbook Cocktails with VP Katainen
2018-11-16 | Is Europe Cyber Ready?
2018-11-08 Energy Visions: Will the World see a net zero emissions future by 2050?
2018-10-18 | U.K. Financial Service Industry: shaping the trajectory
20181018 - Balancing Coal and Climate: what is a "just" energy transition?
20181017 - Women Rule Summit - London
20181016 - POLITICO's Connected Transport Summit
2018-09-30 POLITICO's Fringe Event "The Future of Britain post 2022" at the U.K. Conservative Party Conference
2018-09-27 | Big Data for Better Health: Hype or Hope?
2018-09-23: POLITICO's Fringe Event "The Future of Britain post 2022" at the U.K Labour Party Conference
2018-09-26 Energy Visions Series
2018-09-18 | 25 Years of Single Market: Making the Myth a Reality
20180913 - POLITICO's London Playbook First Birthday Party
POLITICO London Playbook Breakfast with Matt Hancock
2019-07-04 | Health Post-2019: are EU in or are EU out?
2018-06-21 EU-China
2018-06-20 Decarbonizing Transport
2018-06-20 | Outside, In - Artificial Intelligence: the Next Frontier in Health Care?
2018-06-07 | Research & Public Policy: transparent, responsible and impartial?
2018-05-15 POLITICO Brussels Playbook Breakfast with European-Commission Vice-President, Valdis Dombrovskis.
2018-04-18 - Clean Energy for All
2018-03-27 | Cybersurveillance Tools: Striking the Right Balance between Protecting the Network and Human Rights
2018-03-06 POLITICO's Playbook lunch with Commissioner Thyssen
20180221 | Kickstarting Europe with Tom Wehmeier
2018-02-10 POLITICO's EU Studies Fair - DAY TWO
2018-02-09 POLITICO's EU Studies Fair 2018 - DAY ONE
2018-01-09 Playbook Cocktails with Daniel Ek
2017-12-13 Playbook Cocktails with Patricia Espinosa
2017-12-06 | POLITICO 28 Annual Gala Dinner
2017-12-05 | EU-Africa: Strengthening a Sustainable Partnership
2017-12-05 | Kickstarting Europe - Public Policy and Digital Transformation
2017-11-30 Agriculture and Food Summit 2017
20171129 Playbook Live with Carlos Moedas
20171123 - Energy Visions - Post COP 23
2017-11-20 POLITICO Spotlight: Prevention and patient empowerment: who, when and how?
2017-11-16 POLITICO Breakfast with Vice-President Maros Sefcovic
2017-11-07 | Outside, In - The Great Personalized Medicine Debate
2017-10-18 Playbook Breakfast with Commissioner Jourova
2017-10-10 Annual Health Care Summit
2017-10-11 Does gas have a role in the clean energy transition?
2017-09-27 The Great Debate on Cyberwarfare
2017-09-12 POLITICO London Playbook
2017-09-06 Back-to-School Policy Primer
2017-07-13 Cohesion in Europe post-2020: make or break?
2017-07-12 Transporting Europe to a cleaner future
2017-07-11 Modern Farming in Europe: unlocking the potential of farming 4.0
2017-06-28 | The Patient Journey: improving the quality of life of people living with chronic diseases
2017-06-26 Cities4Climate2020:Smarter, Greener Cities
2017-06-26 Playbook Breakfast with General Pavel
2017-06-22 Playbook Breakfast with Prime Minister Ratas
2017-06-20 Playbook Breakfast with Cecilia Malmström
2017-06-15 | Outside, In: Putting Value at the Heart of Health Care
20170531- Connected citizens summit
2017-05-22 Europe's Changing Energy Markets
2017-05-03 Morgen Europa with Martin Selmayr
2017-03-28 The New European Order
2017-03-22 Cities4Climate 2020 - Sustainable Cities
20170321 - The Future of the Wireless World
2017-03-07 - Modern Farming in Europe: Innovation in the driver's seat?
20170223 - POLITICO's Capital Markets Summit 2017
20170211 EU Studies Fair - Day Two
20170210 EU Studies Fair - Day One
20170111 - POLITICO's European Parliament Presidential Debate
20161206 - POLITICO 28 Annual Gala Dinner
2016-12-01 Outside In, Transforming Health Care through Disruptive Innovation
2016-11-30 Connectivity Summit
2016-11-30 Destination White House
2016-11-25 POLITICO’s Brussels Playbook Breakfast with Miguel Arias Cañete
2016-11-16 | The Great Pesticides Debate
2016-11-08 Morning Exchange Live with Vice-President Katainen
2016-11-07 Energy Visions: How Secure are Europe's Future Energy Supplies?
2016-10-18 PRO Transport Launch event
2016-10-13 | Annual Data Summit: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Revolution
2016-10-11 | Annual Health Care Summit
2016-09-27 Morning Exchange with Pierre Moscovici
2016-07-12 Special Report Launch Event: Factories of the Future
2016-06-29 | Morning Exchange Live with Steven Maijoor
2016-06-21 | Connected Citizens Summit
2016-06-20 Energy Visions: Innovation – the Way to a Low-Carbon Economy?
2016-06-16 - Sustainable Health Care For All By 2030
2016-06-14: Morgen Europa Live with Günther Oettinger
2016-06-09 Harnessing the Power of the Digital Revolution
2016-06-06 Playbook Cocktails with Jens Stoltenberg
2016-05-31 | Annual Cybersecurity Summit 2016
2016-05-18 Morning Exchange Live with Valdis Dombrovskis
2016-04-28: The Future of Farming: Smart Agriculture in a Competitive World.
2016-06-26 Setting the Standards: 5G, the IoT and Digital Growth in Europe
2016-04-19 Copyrights and Wrongs
2016-04-18 Playbook Cocktails with Emmanuel Macron
2016-04-05 Playbook Breakfast with VP Katainen
2016-02-17 Antimicrobial Resistance: Averting Tomorrow's Nightmare - Photos © POLITICO
2016-02-02 CMU Summit
20160205 EU Studies Fair 2016 - Day Two
20160205 EU Studies Fair 2016 - Day One
2016-01-12 Innovative Agriculture
20151201 POLITICO28
2015-04-23 European Divides - POLITICO launch event
2015-03-24 Creating Europe’s digital highways: Competition, innovation and investment in high-speed broadband - 24 March 2015
2015-02-07 EUSF day 2
2015-02-06 EUSF day1
2015-01-28 Payments: cornerstone of the digital economy
2015-01-21 Latvia’s EU Presidency: a common EU agenda?
2014-12-2 CommentVision: Road to Paris
2014-11-20 Copyright 2015
2014-11-05 Samsung Roundtable
2014-10-15 Data: the new currency
2014-09-25 CommentVision: European climate change and energy policy: time for tough decisions.
2014-06-25 CommentVisions: EU climate change and energy policy: time for tough decisions
2014-06-24 CommentVisions - Decarbonising road transport: the path to 2050
2014-04-23 Digitisation and the future of the workplace
2014-03-20 EV Health Check : Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis
2014-02-08 EU Studies Fair - Day 2
2014-02-07 EU Studies Fair - Day 1
2013-12-10 EVHC briefing - Understanding lung health in Europe
2013-11-26 Tackling cyber-crime: protecting citizens from digital threats
2013-11-12 CommentVisions - Shale gas: a game-changer for Europe's energy landscape?
2013-10-16 Future of payments
2013-09-17 Smart mobility in cities
2013-06-25 Carbon capture and storage in Europe: progress and prospects
2013-06-05 Cyber-security: protecting networks, fighting cyber-threats
2013-05-28 Is the EU still a force for open markets?
2013-05-29 CommentVisions - EU post-2020 climate and energy policy: a path towards sustainable growth?
2013-03-27 The future of flying: challenges of sustainable aviation
2013-03-26 EU data protection rules; Better for business, better for citizens?
2013-02-18 EV Health Check Briefing - Re-thinking Alzheimer's: a new approach for better diagnosis
2013-02-09 EU Studies Fair 2013 - Day 2
2013-02-08 EU Studies Fair - Day 1
2013-01-30 EV lecture - Pain: can't live with it, can't live without it
2013-01-22 CommentVisions - Building a bridge to a new climate deal: The EU and the carbon market challenge
2012-12-04 The battle over Europe's infrastructure
2012-11-05 CommentVisions - Clean transport: Is the EU on the right track?
2012-10-09 Completing the EU's internal energy market
2012-09-24 EVHC - Righting wrongs: will clinical trials get a new deal in Europe
2012-09-19 Can we make the internet a safer place for children?
2012-09-17 CommentVisions - Offshore oil and gas: which path to improving safety?
2012-07-11 EV health check briefing - Financing healthcare research and innovation: who should do what and with whom?
2012-06-20 Comment:Visions - EU energy roadmap 2050: power choices and pathways
2012-06-04 EV health check briefing: Better evaluation for better results? Improving decision-making in healthcare
2012-05-29 EU migration policy: the search for skills
2012-04-25 Understanding vaccination: what we have and what we need
2012-03-26 Data priv@cy: building trust in the digital economy
2012-03-19 EV health check - Healthcare and the economic crisis
2012-02-11 EU Studies Fair, Day 2
2012-02-10 EU Studies Fair - Day 1
2012-02-07 Comment:Visions - ETS
2011-11-29 EV health check on HTA
2011-11-22 Comment:Visions - Towards greater transparency: shining a light on extractive industries
2011-11-09 Ageing Europe
2011-10-05 Innovation Forum 2011
2011-10-03 Comment:Visions - Energy Roadmap 2050
2011-06-28 Cancer: what we don't know and what we are trying to find out
2011-06-21 Comment:Visions - Oil sands
2011-03-31 Capital of Europe?
2011-03-29 Comment:Visions - EU transport white paper
2011-03-22 European industry and the battle for global markets
2011-03-01 Economist Innovation lecture with Sam Pitroda
2011-02-12 EU Studies Fair 2011 - Day 2
2011-02-11 EU Studies Fair 2011 - Day 1
2010-11-30 EV Awards 2010
2010-11-17 Comment:Visions XVIII - Biofuels
2010-11-09 The challenge of liveable cities in the 21st century
2010-10-26 EU-China
2010-10-05 Comment:Visions XVII - Not in my backyard? Can European win acceptance for low-carbon infrastructure projects?
2010-06-24 Comment:Visions XVI - Unconventional Gas
2009-04-27 CommentVisions XII - Security of supply
2010-05-12 European agriculture and food security
2010-03-30 EV Innovation Forum
EUSEW - Shell Eco-Marathon Car
2010-03-23 CommentVisions XV - Can Europe de-carbonise transport? (EUSEW)
2010-02-24 EV health check 4 - Information to patients
2010-02-23 eHealth transatlantic forum
2010-02-03 EV breakfast briefing - ExxonMobil's energy outlook report
2010-01-26 Comment:Visions XIV - After Copenhagen: the next steps
2009-10-06 Comment:Visions XIII - The future of biofuels
2009-11-18 EV health check debate - Counterfeit medicines