monsterbrick: Nice curves
Legohaulic: The Fellowship of the Dead
Jonas Wide ('Gideon'): Oleander house
Legopard: LEGO Factory Kornmarken in Billund
Erland R.N.: Lowland streaked tenrec
Priovit70: Spacebase! Spacebase! SPACEBASE!
Priovit70: True friendship
Adeel Zubair: What If: Superman Was In Suicide Squad
yagodiaz: PICT0144
yagodiaz: PICT0122
Chris_Abrams: Brickspo 2015
markguest86: Brickish #GBLO
markguest86: New Elementary #GBLO
markguest86: Sorting time #GBLO
markguest86: Fairy Bricks #GBLO
markguest86: Northern Brickworks
Nannan Z.: Birthing Pods
Eero Okkonen: Lord Yupa
bricking.bavaria: One hand to build per participant
bricking.bavaria: We're prepared!
KPowers67: 40107 Winter Skating Scene Creative Activity
tornado eater: Red Brick creation of Magnolia Residence
the_jetboy: Winter skating event
Duq: Winners
tornado eater: Red brick creation Thor's hammer and Cap's shield
Maximuslucas: IMG_0706
Maximuslucas: IMG_0701
Maximuslucas: IMG_1103