Eunice K.: 喜歡看風景❤️ #zeuskong
Eunice K.: Drink Drink Drink Party Time at #muzwedding @milkong @billypear @edmondchow1108 @garywong34 @iampinkyccy @hetib @waynewwt
Eunice K.: 真是嘔心瀝血! 客人成日問點解搬咗成年都仲係用緊舊卡片?當然第一係為咗環保,唔想浪費資源。第二就係怪我這個完美主意者,將卡片的圖一改再改!一年多之後,我哋終於可以派新卡片喇~~~ #muzwedding Thank You @ohjoyce , you design is Superb, 只有你才滿足到我要求!❤️❤️❤️
Eunice K.: 昨為我呢d頭又大顴骨又闊嘅人,其實好多太陽眼鏡牌子我都戴得好樣衰,所以買太陽眼鏡真係有d困難,但好彩仲有Celine,果然每次都冇令我失望!❤️❤️ #celinesunglasses
Eunice K.: Day 230: 為咗要令頼瞓嘅媽媽起身陪我,瞓醒覺要企起身嚇你是常識吧!#zeuskong
Eunice K.: 踏入婚禮攝影淡季,剩下了一大堆後期工作,但我們都想抖一抖氣,最好的節目就是聚一聚,喝幾杯,吃飽飽,笑過夠!
Eunice K.: Sometime I like red. ❤️❤️❤️ #red #pam424 #panerai #ilovered #selfie
Eunice K.: Zeus B & Mom bling bling iPhone case. ❤️
Eunice K.: My #chromeheartsnails Thank you @nicolenailunique @gutgutb #nicolenailunique #eunicenail
Eunice K.: 發現出了豹紋#BabyVans,一定要立刻購入!多謝契媽媽!❤️ @suml
Eunice K.: #遠處寄來的愛 ❤️想你!你最近好嗎? @virginiatu
Eunice K.: My New iPhone Case. Thank you @yukis_world #iphonecase
Eunice K.: 今日陪 @milkong 買眼鏡時發現了呢幅靚到不得了的 Chrome Hearts 鏡框,實在太想擁有佢了! #chromeheart
Eunice K.: 又是大肚照的一天,開心又可以見到熟悉的面孔,從pre wedding到今天的大肚照,我們也變得更有默契!Congratz to TimTim & Tommy. ================================ Photo by @eunicek @muzbaby Makeup & Hairstyling by @hetib #muzbaby #hetibmua @muzwedding #pregnancy
Eunice K.: We have "Not Only" Wedding Photography Service by @muzwedding . Also Pregnancy, Baby & Family shooting by @muzbaby ❤️ Don't forget to follow us for more of our updates. @muzbaby @muzwedding ================================ Photo by @eunicek
Eunice K.: Yeah~~~Saturday always is shopping day, I like to go shopping with Daddy. ❤️ @milkong #zeuskong
Eunice K.: Family shooting day @muzbaby @muzwedding #muzbaby
Eunice K.: Long time no take photo for my son #bjaicat. ❤️ b仔已榮升為b哥哥 now!
Eunice K.: 每次都會想找些不同的地方拍攝,這次在倫敦的小區找到這家佈滿花的酒吧,很喜歡~❤️ 有時這些特別的地方拍起來比起一些大景點更地道!
Eunice K.: Selfie everywhere in London @milkong #selfie #selfies #me333 #london
Eunice K.: HK time VS London time ❤️ Finally we meet together. #pam372 #pam424 #panerai
Eunice K.: Shopping in #harrods
Eunice K.: The First day London Pre Wedding. @muzwedding #londonprewedding #muzwedding #london #prewedding
Eunice K.: #London
Eunice K.: 由出世到今日這短短兩個月,每日望住你嘅變化真係好大,由你一舊飯咁到而家開始訓醒覺時見到你斜晒喺張床到,開始識控制自己隻手仔識食手指。今日仲好乖仔,尋晚12點幾食完餐奶一覺瞓到今朝七點幾,唔喊之餘仲用可愛嘅聲線叫醒媽媽餵奶!媽媽真係好愛你呀!! #zeuskong
Eunice K.: 小楒日今日滿月喇,而我亦終於可以逃離月子監獄! #zeuskong
Eunice K.: I am Mummy's Little Funny Bones. #zeuskong
Eunice K.: The Wedding of Cher & Terence
Eunice K.: The Wedding of Cher & Terence
Eunice K.: The Wedding of Cher & Terence