telmnstr: SELEM 2018
telmnstr: SELEM 2018
telmnstr: Custom sign sighting!
telmnstr: These guys set up their configuration right!
telmnstr: ... rodeo
telmnstr: My horse! Get your own!
telmnstr: Genuine_-_My_Pony.mp3
telmnstr: Is this one of those DPV things the tech guys always talk about?
telmnstr: Bus seat or dentists chair?
telmnstr: I... I dunno
telmnstr: Schools out... forever!
telmnstr: I was told this bus was once used to follow the Greatful Dead by it's former owner. How odd.
telmnstr: Excuse me miss, do you realize you have a taillight that is out?
telmnstr: Sometimes there are even fish in these dive photos!
telmnstr: Arf.. bubble... Arf.. bubble.
telmnstr: 1.21 gigagallons.. great scott.
telmnstr: That will buff out.
telmnstr: A fish!
telmnstr: On the next edition of Pimp My Ride... algae removal.
telmnstr: Get to the choppa.
telmnstr: The crew
telmnstr: Chefs!
telmnstr: Someone who didn't forget their tent.
telmnstr: Charlie Brown Christmas
telmnstr: Sunlight SCUBA selfie. The one that wasn't a blurry wreck.
telmnstr: A fish!
telmnstr: 81 degrees and usually a 10-16psi SAC rate.
telmnstr: Wanna be Baller, shotcaller.
telmnstr: Bone Fish Chill.