Shay7997: Nothing like a beautiful sky.
Shay7997: Making rainbows in the sand
Shay7997: Someone wasn't feeling well and came and slept with me.
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: A bonfire, some acoustic music, and good people.
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: I love fog. I think it creates beautiful scenery.
Shay7997: Best friends
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: Andre trying to help Sam up on the tube.
Shay7997: Spider-Man pose!
Shay7997: Sam lost all strength and had to ride into the doc like this lol.
Shay7997: Andre on the tube!
Shay7997: Andre on the tube!
Shay7997: Jet ski day :)
Shay7997: Storms are just so beautiful to me.
Shay7997: Beautiful Storm
Shay7997: Through the clouds
Shay7997: I promise I'm only protecting your Harry Potter books, Mom.
Shay7997: Chillaxin after a fun morning at church.
Shay7997: Sandy Hands
Shay7997: HipstaPrint
Shay7997: Alabama River
Shay7997: Dead to the World
Shay7997: Dock of the River
Shay7997: In Motion