yoshi_2012: Sculpture
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Light Lens Lab ELCAN
chitoroid: DSC_3880
stfeelva: 禎禎外拍 - 摸臉
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Reveals Cosmic Cliffs, Glittering Landscape of Star Birth
duncanwong: Leica M10 Monochrom Leitz Wetzlar Edition, Voigtlander Nokton Classic 35mm F/1.4 Version II MC Map Camera 25th-Anniversary Limited Edition, Third Party Square Hood
stephen-yang: 03三星鄉-20220520-Leica M10+Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F1.2 ASPH-02133
issa....: Dreaming cat
peterjh2010: L1050965aR_Leica_SL2-S_Lumix S 24-105mm F4 MACRO_122021_Leun_Lahnwiesen_Reifmorgen
_elsewherelse: Tokyo Street Photography
labrossephotography: Dec_2021_XT37737
Erato's Gallery: Kids at the sidewalk -- MONO4774
stephen-yang: 家附近-20210904-Nikon Zfc+Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F0.95 ASPH-0428
里卡豆: Meyer Lenses|Lydith II & Trioplan II
SiuDull: fallen yellow leaves in Yeouido Park
JaS Photoland: _DSC3062-A7rii-Canon 35mm F1.5 Ltm
Erato's Gallery: 99 years old man on the street -- MONO3961
Erato's Gallery: L1000232
stephen cosh: Dusk Over Arran
digitalbear: IMG_0632
Robert Hájek: Z Českého středohoří.
左 撇子: Tableau chinois