NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Views Final Stages of a Star’s Life
Succulentisima: Haworthia mis semillas
Succulentisima: Haworthia bolusii
koen_jacobs: Pulvis et umbra sumus
koen_jacobs: No entry
Jesus Falcata: IMG_20180724_181442_736
Jesus Falcata: IMG_20180713_101957_369
Shaun T. Johnson: Heliamphora minor
Mikaels orchids: Tilted D'Orb
Succulentisima: Haworthia Gyoku-Ichi 1
Succulentisima: Haworthia truncata Hóu
Rob Sheridan: Tamar at Angkor Wat, Cambodia
marssy: Sunset
powerpig: Zombie Warning (Too Late!)
flood_highway75: Shibuya.
ngawangchodron: Dancing Peacock Maple
algarra: IMG_0804p
powerpig: Easy Rider