Inоk: мсп
Marina Marjina: Main title sequence for film "Game of truth" (director V.Shamirov). 2013
alaattinceren: 2014-08-05 15.09.50
g-satellite: alphabet
g-satellite: No name
g-satellite: Berberova& Detail
g-satellite: Berberova
g-satellite: A. Ahmatova
g-satellite: The Lady's Yes
Will Miller: Prize Fighter
Will Miller: Lettering sketchbook
Letter Shepherd: Playing round with some different inks- this was Indian ink mixed gold, it's a pretty weird mix
Letter Shepherd: Dipping my pen in my drink 'cos I've run out of ink
Syntax One: ABCs.
alaattinceren: calligraphy
alaattinceren: Calligraphy
alaattinceren: calligraphy
alaattinceren: 2014-07-22_04-15-49
letrerias: #FIBRA #brushpen #tombow #love #lemonpie
Lilla Lotta: Remember
Elwyn Brooks: Memorial beach stone comprised of the client's father's initials and the sign for Taurus
xelo garrigós: Pràctica capital romana i "deconstrucció"
Taller de Caligrafia: Pater Noster 001
Taller de Caligrafia: Pater Noster 03
FrakOne: HK Umbrellas
Mark A. Brooks: claustrophobia