Colaptes rupicola
Sergio Bitran M:
Common Pauraque. Chotacabras Pauraque, Nyctidromus albicollis.
Daniel Cadieux:
American Redstart Work Of Art
Western Meadowlark 3136
rio en medio - Jose On/Off:
Mochuelo europeo - Athene noctua
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon (Male)
Daniel Trim:
Porcelain Fungus
Daniel Trim:
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Zebra-Tailed Lizard
Alan Cressler:
Percina nigrofasciata, South Fork Peachtree Creek, Zonolite Park, DeKalb County, Georgia 1
Bar-tailed Godwit
Alan Cressler:
Cyprinella lutrensis, South Fork Peachtree Creek, Zonolite Park, DeKalb County, Georgia 1
Marsel van Oosten:
Dinner at the horizon
Alan Cressler:
Progomphus obscurus (likely identification), South Fork Peachtree Creek, Zonolite Park, DeKalb County, Georgia 1
Henrik Gyurkovics:
Bembecinus hungaricus f. 6092
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Tiny Longhorn on Pine Needles
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Beetle Face
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Blue Moth
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Velvet Worm
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Gem Anole
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Rove Beetle
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Beetle Larva
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Dinner time
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Cockroach, extended version
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Moth on the forest floor