Luv Duck - 21M Views!: Happy Summer Days
skiseng: 4214075444_64668bc8cc
skiseng: 4214096166_7c47b54996
s0340248: DSC12270
s0340248: DSC12477
s0340248: DSC12682
Mandir Prem: DSC_1595-Edit
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Morning Monk......Skipper
Anthony Snapshooter: My cousin, Mark’s most recent catch while vacationing in Alaska.
… off ’til mid April; health/happiness pdxpoin: ... farming next to the rainforest....
lsmart: Isabel
d i a n e p o w e r s: the mockingbird and the crow
Twistedlens13: gym_1404f
nycmayorsoffice: First Lady Chirlane McCray attends and speaks at the Women of the Public Theater Gala.
Angie McMonigal: Angie McMonigal Photography-8375bw
ken 22~ARI~3~Ken Linka~Pieced To Perfection