josebrito21: “Waterfalls wouldn’t sound so melodious if there were no rocks in their way.” Svöðufoss
Stefan Klauke: Winter Views
..alastairgraham19: Poppy Sunset
Filippo Romani: Federica
lebwgcmv95: The giants
lebwgcmv95: Sequoia National Park
lebwgcmv95: Iceland
nigel_xf: Field of Gold ... Lower Rhine evening sun.
Fanie_villarceau: Blue bloom
Ginger☮︎Snap: Mexican Hat
Dhina A: Fuchsia
hermez: Artery
hermez: Conqueror
Mark Littlejohn: A Walk in the Trees
Mark Littlejohn: Two Trees
Edd Allen: Raising Young
nigel_xf: Evening sky in Wissel
donlope1: Au cœur du brasier
patrickcarliez: Ophrys apifera
Beth Wode Photography: The Autumn Tree
alexcalver: Spring Beeches Torres del Paine
pino179: CON PAPA'
vanregemoorter: Flares et paquerette
My Creative Adventures: If You Could Blur My Love