Comics ¬ Sketchbook ¬ Concept: Palos de ciego_portada
Rebecca Dart: BK_Ferris
aziritt: Final! #headlopper @andrewmaclean @imagecomics
aziritt: It's the last day your local comic shop can order the SPACE RIDERS reprints for you. You should probably call them. Or start saving up for ebay.
Alé Mercado: Drown by Ben Guilfoyle @RhymeRag
aziritt: Inking #SpaceRiders issue 2. @FabianRangelJr @blackmaskstudio
Nick Derington: That was unexpected...
enjoykerin: People → instagram
philipjbond: inktober 2014
aziritt: Señor Muerte.
Alé Mercado: Darwin's Damage 4/4: Twin Headed Wolf
werther_dll: Batman_GreenArrow 01
Javier The Rodriguez: Daredevil 1.50 page 8
rory_phillips: Ride Like Hell Detail
r2hox: Hater girls
Alé Mercado: Inktober #18
°Bracket: The London Tattoo Convention
gemma correll: le pain
Alé Mercado: Patches
Alé Mercado: Skate Monkey
gemma correll: cured meats
Alé Mercado: Hippocampus II
Alé Mercado: Hippocampus III
rory_phillips: Station Zero Cover Redesign
aziritt: Unused idea
Alé Mercado: Western Moderne p.07