Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
All set up! Come check us out at the LA Renegade Craft Fair in Chinatown.
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Dodger sleeps the best
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Rearranged the booth today for maximum sellage. Come by! I'm at the Renegade Craft fair in San Fran at Fort Mason.
Michael Jonathan Smith:
My two business cards.
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Tower of terror!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Adventure Time Threadless!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
The Killing WIP
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Fat Dodger sleeps the best
Michael Jonathan Smith:
I got my Finn hat today!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Swamp Bear and Quail
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Swamp Bear WIP
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Birthday dinner!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Dodger sleeps so hard
Michael Jonathan Smith:
What a terrible name for a porno.
Michael Jonathan Smith:
.@nanlawson got a super cute panda hat!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
More Jellies
Michael Jonathan Smith:
North Pacific Sea Nettles
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Michael Jonathan Smith:
E Sharpe & Magnetic Zeros with Shan!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Marceline, the Vampire Queen
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Doctor Who double sided prints are in!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Updated Pokemon team!
Michael Jonathan Smith:
Hard to make out, but there's about 100 ducks out there