ernieland: Garden pickings vol.2 2017: First of the Peonies! πŸ™Œ #peonies #astrantia #armeria #wildgarlic
ernieland: Barbican life πŸ‘Œ
ernieland: Disapprovingly staring at my sick guts... once again. I don't like it either, chaps! #catsofinstagram
ernieland: Because soundproof plasterboards stacked in the hallway make the comfiest spot
ernieland: Harvest πŸ”œπŸŒΈπŸŒΊ #ranunculus
ernieland: ❀We are 12 ❀ And one of us seem to be happier than the other about it πŸ˜‰
ernieland: Multitask-nitt-ing with a tray of brownies πŸ™Œ (while @mlfp is lifting floorboards in our bedroom 😣). I got the long end of the stick this Easter! πŸ˜‹ #knittersofinstagram
ernieland: Garden pickings 2017 🌷#blacktulip #ranunculus
ernieland: Lathe-man πŸ’ͺ
ernieland: Good bye black bedroom, time to move on... Still remember painting the walls with my sister six years ago ❀@sarakuky
ernieland: Her teeth as confetti
ernieland: Knitting up a storm to help my serious case of cabin fever... #sickofbeingsick😷 #getmeoutdoors
ernieland: 😽😽😽 this is how excited we are that 1. The sun is out 2. Ranunculus are starting to bloom 3. We finally made it out of the house! Spring, we've missed you so!
ernieland: Calmly contemplating my sick guts #bitchplease #letmesiesta
ernieland: ☁️🌸☁️🌸☁️☁️☁️🌸☁️☁️☁️🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸:cherry
ernieland: Catmouflage
ernieland: ❄️❄️ #london
ernieland: #talkiewalkie
ernieland: Shadows with my shadow 🐱 #dontdissmywalls
ernieland: Check out my hot buns @mlfp 🍩🍩
ernieland: Retro #moorgate
ernieland: Talkie walkie - searching for the perfect concrete block wall #thatshowweroll #extensiondilemmas
ernieland: Tomatoes still going strong πŸ… At this rate might bring them back to Spain for Christmas lunch @sentote @sarakuky @tonialara60 #lesrefardes #tomatoes #novembercrop
ernieland: Frenemies #catsofernieland #catsofinstagram
ernieland: Cliché-ing 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁:map
ernieland: Plant lady is the new cat lady? Please discuss... #catandplantlady
ernieland: Winter is coming βš”οΈ #purlsohobusyhands
ernieland: Deadheaded the poppies... found myself a craft project for winter
ernieland: Totally fortuitous πŸ‘©πŸ± #sorrynotsorry