Thomas Shahan: Adult Male Jumping Spider at Sunset - Phidippus mystaceus
Jeff Gaydash: Churning
yu+ichiro: Shinto shrine in the sky
LJ.: Northern Qtr.
johnhallmen: Studio stack: Leaf Rolling Weevil
johnhallmen: Damsel Portrait
pats0n: the sardine run #24
Nezar Kadhem: Venetian Eyes [Explored]
Eric Lafforgue: Old Himba woman - Angola
Silver Doctor: Animal textures III
swinspeed: The Healing Nimbleus
Eric Lafforgue: Boy from Batwa pygmy tribe with mud on the face, Cyamudongo, Rwanda
Rui Palha: Thank you to all of you...:-))
Jason Idzerda: Saw Whet on the Moss
le bousou: Sauvé Du Dédé
Eythor: Baby swim
meuh57: Lévitation
noarno: A chacun son temps
*6261: *Mt. Fuji
LuisBeltrán: ¨antes de la tormenta¨
cliccath: Calamity's daughter (winter)
cliccath: Laisse tomber la neige! (winter)
Eric Frey84: En Provence sibérienne