*Erin Nicole: 243/365x3: Baby Lily
*Erin Nicole: 249/365x3: Cups
*Erin Nicole: 248/365x3: "Me Bag Museums"
*Erin Nicole: 247/365x3: Getting to know each other
*Erin Nicole: 246/365x3: First day gifts!
*Erin Nicole: 245/365x3: Shopping with a pumpkin spice latte
*Erin Nicole: 244/365x3: How is summer OVER?
*Erin Nicole: 242/365x3: Vineyard time
*Erin Nicole: 241/365x3: Back to School Night
*Erin Nicole: 240/365x3: Classroom wish list
*Erin Nicole: 239/365x3: Reading Graffiti
*Erin Nicole: 238/365x3: For the classroom
*Erin Nicole: 237/365x3: Duck Donuts!
*Erin Nicole: 236/365x3: Bachelorette Ladies
*Erin Nicole: 235x3: 8 girls on a roadtrip!
*Erin Nicole: 234/365x3: Classroom Library
*Erin Nicole: 233/365x3: Question Board
*Erin Nicole: 232/365x3: Teacher Mode
*Erin Nicole: 231/365x3: Hello again, classroom!