Erik Runyon:
@highedweb They're getting along swimmingly.
Erik Runyon:
A stand-off in the Notre Dame parking lot
Erik Runyon:
So where are the best tailgates tomorrow?
Erik Runyon:
I have a little bit of reading to catch up on.
Erik Runyon:
It's cold out here.
Erik Runyon:
Snowy Sunday in SW Michigan
Erik Runyon:
Alluvial Fan
Erik Runyon:
Four screens. I'm working on my tan.
Erik Runyon:
HighEdWeb Red Stapler
Erik Runyon:
Two hours until #eduGuruSummit presentation time. All set and ready to go.
Erik Runyon:
A beautiful SPRING day in South Bend
Erik Runyon:
Watching the International Space Station fly by. #IIS
Erik Runyon:
Finally got around to decorating the new MacBook
Erik Runyon:
Robins... in January
Erik Runyon:
After a hard day in the snow, it's time to warm up by the fire.
Erik Runyon:
Fresh muffins
Erik Runyon:
Tiny guitar or giant Brad Frost?
Erik Runyon:
Brad Frost is beating a dead horse
Erik Runyon:
#bdconf: behind the curtain
Erik Runyon:
Airplane fail
Erik Runyon:
Hanging out with Amazon
Erik Runyon:
2012-08-27 07.04.59
Erik Runyon:
Poison ivy
Erik Runyon:
Implementing Responsive Design
Erik Runyon:
@ColB geeks are not unlike children. We like stickers. #andshirts #andfood
Erik Runyon:
The fact that this book gave a beetle eight legs bothers me more than it should.
Erik Runyon:
R.I.P. Cirrus 2000-2011
Erik Runyon:
Perhaps I should shovel the front walk. It's under there somewhere.
Erik Runyon:
It's a @thinkgeek Christmas morning.
Erik Runyon:
My first Android test device has arrived. #nexus