Henka69: Good news
Henka69: Jämtlandstriangeln
Janet's View2012: Driftwood
Janet's View2012: Dune Dream
Janet's View2012: Beautiful Point Betsie
Luca La Manna: Etna Eruption
Marco Restivo: Dirty thunderstorm - Etna
Henka69: Amsterdam street
mpakarlsson: Switching colors
angie_1964: Jokulsarlon Beach, Iceland
Luigi Alesi: Monti Sibillini - il sole fra le nuvole
Dave Holder: Fairy Pools
Darek Drapala: Autumn comes
Darek Drapala: cross way
Henka69: Let there be light
Henka69: Tramspotting
Henka69: Walk the line
Henka69: Buttoning
Henka69: May first
Henka69: The Sceptic
Henka69: Behind bars
Janet's View2012: View From the Lighthouse Tower
Janet's View2012: Panorama of the Dunes
Janet's View2012: At Empire Beach
Janet's View2012: The Steep Drop to Lake Michigan
Janet's View2012: Flying in Tight Formation