Erika Ray: Putting finishing touches on secret summer quilt project.
Erika Ray: Last night at the Rose Bowl. Good game, though a heartbreaker for the Huskers.
Erika Ray: Drinking red kool aid. FOR ONE DAY ONLY.
Erika Ray: Blessed by a visit from the hatch chile fairy at the office today!! Taco night at my house until further notice.
Erika Ray: End of a long day...
Erika Ray: Seeeooooouuuulllllll train.
Erika Ray: Neighborhood exploration: looks pretty much like Koreatown in LA.
Erika Ray: Morning view
Erika Ray: This gal...
Erika Ray: Laura post Toy Joy
Erika Ray: Post Mexico drinks in an Irish bar
Erika Ray: Afternoon deluge at the Castillo
Erika Ray: Posole!
Erika Ray: My view from LAX to Mexico City
Erika Ray: Glamorous world of art shipping
Erika Ray: San Fransico summer gloves for Laura.
Erika Ray: Braved Bay to Breakers
Erika Ray: Red Vine Agent Cooper at Arclight.
Erika Ray: Pre-game...
Erika Ray: Dodgers!
Erika Ray: Victory stance
Erika Ray: 49 Palms Oasis
Erika Ray: teddy bear cactus
Erika Ray: teenage joshua tree
Erika Ray: Megan and the ladies
Erika Ray: Sharon in her fave pose
Erika Ray: cactus bloom
Erika Ray: yucca
Erika Ray: our campsite
Erika Ray: New fingerless gloves for little sister coming along!