Erika Almiron: Packed house at @Vamos_Juntos tonite. #breakingtheisolation
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Erika Almiron: South Philly High class of 2011! You've made it and you've done it while showing real leadership. Change comes when you listen to the youth!
Erika Almiron: My Pup Churro can only nap with his football. So cute!
Erika Almiron: Mayor Nutter on Hardball! Will he ask students what they think of education reform. #phillyeducation
Erika Almiron: On Hardball with Chris Matthews with my PSU students! No education no what? No education no life!
Erika Almiron: The notebook fundraiser was so much fun. Great seeing everyone tonite! #phillyeducation
Erika Almiron: Mmmm, silk city.
Erika Almiron: Yellow Tree
Erika Almiron: The Plaque for Church of Our Lady of the Sugercane Worker
Erika Almiron: Tree Roots hanging
Erika Almiron: Moto Taxi
Erika Almiron: Me with youth leaders in Brasil.
Erika Almiron: Local Samba Players
Erika Almiron: leader in the making
Erika Almiron: mburucuya
Erika Almiron: budding passion
Erika Almiron: tentacles