horzel: Gardner Dozois - Strangers (Hamlyn 1980)
horzel: Poul Anderson - Een gok om drie werelden (Elsevier 1981)
Mr.Spaceartist: Roter Riese
wallyg: NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Salvador Dalí's Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
lotharwolleh: René Magritte by Lothar Wolleh
DiscoveredArtists: Surreal and Magical Realism Fine Art by William Otto on Vimeo
Jamal Alayoubi: Surreal Peculiar Aromatic
BooWow: Saturn from Mimas - Bonestell Art
jholbo: Bedlam Planet
mystique123_2000: sargassoofspace-jeff-jones-ace74981
NRJP: Equator
jovike: Sorcerer's Amulet
jovike: The Steel Tsar
The Lightburns: The Journey
gojira2012: Dick, Philip K - Wacht nu op vorig jaar
LarsPowderdry: pep pep?
mEGaPHiLL: Vermilion Sands
NRJP: SFM Vol1 No 6
NRJP: SFM Vol 1 No 7
NRJP: Lost on Venus
NRJP: Black Legion of Callisto
NRJP: Sky Pirates of Callisto
NRJP: A Princess of Mars
NRJP: The Killer Mice
NRJP: Journey of Joenes
David Cowie: Protector by Larry Niven
bmaginnity: Pocket - Gods of Foxcroft
blackaller: electric forest
blackaller: The cave girl