Environmental Informatics Marburg: Time series decomposition
Environmental Informatics Marburg: ARIMA air temperature
Environmental Informatics Marburg: PACF air temperature 2012-09, DWD station 3164
Environmental Informatics Marburg: ACF air temperature 2012-09, DWD station 3164
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Air temperature 2012-09, DWD station 3164
Environmental Informatics Marburg: GAM - rmse as a function of the number of knots.
Environmental Informatics Marburg: GAM - smooth depending on the number of knots.
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Cross-validation on X1, Y1 of the Anscombe data set
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Linear regression on X1, Y1 of the Anscombe data set
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Global Change
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Tag-Cloud Wikipedia-Stichwort Geographischer Raum
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Digital Geography
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Publication Quality Graphics
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Advanced Programming
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion System Dynamics
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Tag-Cloud Wikipedia Geographiedidaktik
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Systemdynamik
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emoption Medienkompetenz
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Open Source GIS
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Project Thesis
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Project Seminar Hemeroby
Environmental Informatics Marburg: Emotion Project Seminar LiDAR