Phil Johnson II: Foggy Beginnings 2
Rykou: Rouge gorge avec le bec plein
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Florida Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis pratensis)
todd ar: West Union Baptist Church
Tom D: IMG_6248
Paul D McCarthy: Almost Moonlit!
Paul D McCarthy: Main Street USA
el zopilote: ¡Felices Fiestas y Año Nuevo desde Pittsburgh!
Paul D McCarthy: Monochrome Graffiti
Paul D McCarthy: Weathered
Paul D McCarthy: The Vertical & the Horizontal
Tom D: IMG_4779
Paul D McCarthy: Needlework
Tom D: IMG_5073
Garys_view: Beautiful Day For A Drive Near Pittsburgh - Snow And Ice Panorama 4
Warren Gates: Hermes
Warren Gates: In Aspinwall, Pennsylvania
Warren Gates: Pittsburgh Mounted Police
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Nokton 75mm 1.5 Portrait
galsafrafoto: nature composition 2
Mr Mikage (ミスター御影): Dawn in Bushy Park, London 夜明けのブッシー公園、ロンドン
Hitoshi Matsumoto: OSAKA STREET FRAGMENTS #414
Richard Mouser: Meeting the Master
CG817: Fall Colors
Mr Mikage (ミスター御影): Canary Wharf, London カナリー・ワーフ、ロンドン
Ian M. Hapsias: CSX I138 CSXT 4577 Greene Jct South Connellsville PA
Petri Juhana: Behind an arch
roobrew: The Ambulance