Hans Surfer (where the action is): My Happy Runner Hiro!
Hans Surfer (where the action is): Bologneser flying on the beach
Hans Surfer (where the action is): Havaneser flying and smiling for the camera
Niko Stateless: DSC_1545
RickyTrevisani: cinciarella al volo
RickyTrevisani: sciacallo dorato
RickyTrevisani: fish & drops
RickyTrevisani: preso!!!!
RickyTrevisani: martin tuffo
RickyTrevisani: landing sequence
RickyTrevisani: picchio rosso maggiore
RickyTrevisani: the blue arrow
RickyTrevisani: sciacallo dorato
RickyTrevisani: raganella
RickyTrevisani: scricciolo
RickyTrevisani: lo scricciolo
RickyTrevisani: ibis sacro genn 2017-3
jackdavidson@btinternet.com: @mag.gieshep.herd An amazing white faced Ibis. Image from zsazsabellagio.tumblr.com #whitefacedibis #ibis #bird #feathers #plumes #color #colour #colorful #nature #natural #biology #biological #beautiful #eco #ecological #study #wild #wildlife #free #wate
p.franche malade - on-off: Emile Bockstael