ranchocatama2: Juvenile RTHA
Wizard CG: Every path in life has a bridge… the journey is crossing it!
jozoqophoto: JZQ07602
talontours1: Red-shouldered Hawk
jozoqophoto: JZQ03604
Don Dunning: Early Morning Portrait
lennycarl08: Bald Eagle
Francisco Piedrahita: Bobo Corbatín, Chestnut-capped Puffbird (Bucco macrodactylus)
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)
E_Rick1502: Rough Legged Hawk
Thy Photography: Bald Eagle
Thy Photography: Least Tern Mating
Thy Photography: Pileated Woodpecker (f)
Thy Photography: Peregrine Falcon mating
Thy Photography: American Dipper (lifer)
lennycarl08: Hawk in Flight
Thy Photography: Prairie Falcon got Meadowlark
Thy Photography: Painted Redstart or Painted Whitestart or Painting Blackstart
E_Rick1502: Peregrine Falcon
Thy Photography: Red Crossbill (lifer)
lennycarl08: Eagle Takeoff
Thy Photography: Snow Bunting (lifer)
davebrooks2: Coyote approaches Golden Eagle
Don Dunning: The Ladies Say I Am Cute
Stephen B53: Juvenile Sparrowhawk
Thy Photography: Bald Eagle
monte stinnett: "Here's looking at you kid."
Thy Photography: Burrowing Owl
monte stinnett: School is in session