soleá: Le rêve de Poseidon
stoneth: silent roar
ahmad khatiri: three lines and two dots
* Ahmad Kavousian *: And life is going on....
B a h a r: The Town of Hope
stoneth: forgiveness
carf: 200.000
i_am_curiouskiwi: blue ~ orange ~ green
neloqua: The colors of my life are like a rainbow
kwo: Mooncloud
_Paula AnDDrade: lights and shadows
carf: Wise little head of a sad boy...
soleá: Schmetterling
-Angela: little bird
* Ahmad Kavousian *: Edge of darkness
ayat83: A life of near misses
Cilest: This is not Santa
A VersAerien: Hiunchuli
Mnemonix: Toni
© KristoforG: brandon tweek
**Anna: Tulipa
**Anna: An Apple A Day...
Bob Jagendorf: From The Top Of The Rock