Enda Kaban: Another angle of Eiffel Tower, I took it from hop on hop off bus 😁😁 I was lucky because I got a very bright blue sky at that time.. #france #paris #perancis #eiffeltower #eiffel #europe #travel #traveler #travelgram #travelling #iphonesia #iP
Enda Kaban: Berawal dari kegiatan yg sering kami lakukan di pedalaman Papua.. Anak2 sekolah ini harus menempuh jalan kaki dari rumah ke sekolah dng melewati sungai dan gunung.. ke sekolah di kasih seragam tp kaki nya ga pake sepatu.. Kami tergerak untuk membuat "Ge
Enda Kaban: semacam di dongeng2 ato pilem2.. tapi ini nonton live nya.. ciamik abis kok Legend Des Chevaliers ini! Worthed lahhh! #latepost #provins #france #perancis #paris #legend #chevaliers #europe #mei2016 #travel #traveler #travelling
Enda Kaban: Miss a moment like this! Ketika tdk ada satupun yg menghalangi kita untuk tertawa bersama.. Ketika kebersamaan menjadi kehangatan dingin nya malam.. Ketika semua berbaur menjadi 1, dengan nama Keluarga! #pendaki #pendakicantik #wanitagunung #wanitai
Enda Kaban: Semua nya indah! Sangat indah! climb a mountain is just like a war easy to start, difficult to stop, impossible to forget! Same like you! #tembagapura #papua #imissyou #pyramid #yellowvalley #lembahdanaudanau #carstensz #mountains #pendakicantik #w
Enda Kaban: I miss this moment! Moment dimana aku merasa jiwa ku bersatu dengan alam. Moment dimana aku merasa bahwa aku benar2 bisa merasakan keagungan Allah. Moment dimana dingin nya malam terasa hangat dengan secangkir kopi, api unggun dan tawa bersama teman2. Mo
Enda Kaban: Keisengan malam ini, cukuplah sekian dan terima kasih. Mari kita modom! 😂😂😂😜
Enda Kaban: Mirror, this pict taken from a bridge in Florence. The right mirror can show you the excatly and right figure you want to see, but if it's a broken or bad mirror, the figure might be bad as well. Location: Firenze, Italy #italy #firenze #firenzecard
Enda Kaban: memang sudah waktu nya, yang tua lelah lebih cepat, istirahat lebih banyak, sedangkan yang muda harus terus berjaga2 mengenai apa yang mereka pun tdk tahu apa yg harus mereka khawatirkan. Memandang lurus kedepan, berpikir ntah apa yg dipikirkan. proud of
Enda Kaban: Peace from Sinai mount. St. Chaterine, Egypt. #hiking #travelgram #traveler #pendakicantik #pendaki #stcatharines #mountains #mountainsinai
Enda Kaban: Tulips! Indah nian! Wangi nian! Lucky me! #latepost #tulips #netherlands #europe #mei2016
Enda Kaban: temple of zeus ini juga kaya main korek api yg bisa dipindah2 gitu.. liat deh, jari ku siap2 mau mindahin batu nya.. 😁😁 masih dng edisi acak2an, kreatif lah dng jari dan tangan mu.. 😅😅😅 #mei2016 #yunani
Enda Kaban: Tongkat daud inj juga ga terlalu tinggi.. cuma sejengkal ga genep 😜 again, edisi latepost acak2an 😁 #mountnebo #jordan #holyland #mei2016
Enda Kaban: A tree with red leafs at the corner of somebody's house.. meaning nothing! location: Provins, France date: may 21st, 2016 #iphonesia #france #mei2016 #europe #paris #provins #tree
Enda Kaban: It's only a window and a door! 😁 captured by ordinary woman! location: Provins, France date: May 21st, 2016 #provins #paris #europe #mei2016 #france #iphonesia
Enda Kaban: Other part of effel tower. #effeltower #paris #france #europe #mei2016
Enda Kaban: Effel Tower Paris, France. #effeltower #paris #france #europe #mei2016 #art #architecture
Enda Kaban: Family pict of the day! hahahaha.. cuma cara ini lah yg bisa kami lakukan tanpa selfie stick..😁😁😁
Enda Kaban: This man was very serious taking some pictures of the gondola at the Gondola port. (Venice, Italy) #venice #italy #venise #photography #photographer #europe #human
Enda Kaban: Merpati tak pernah ingkar janji, dude! Merpati2 ini banyak banget disekitaran St. Mark Basilica.. dan orang2 disini menyebutnya dengan San Marco.. arti yg sama dng bahasa berbeda..
Enda Kaban: ini lebih agak mendingan lah background dan foreground poto nya 😄😄😄😄 still at the same location..
Enda Kaban: hihi.. lama ga uplaod selfie gw.. boleh donk selfie, sekali2.. background nya adalah Piazza San Marco di Venezia.. ga keliatan bgt ya background.. so, abaikan lah! 😜
Enda Kaban: Grand Canal of Venice, Italy. Boats and Gondolas are their only transportation in here. Its streets we should not call streets at all, for they are streams and canals of water. When one wishes to go from one part of the city to another, one steps from one
Enda Kaban: ini lah yg aku liat setiap kali facetime ama Meru.. HP yg terbalik bolak dan funny face nya yg terlihat setengah2... hihihi! kangen! 😭😭😭😭
Enda Kaban: Venice, Italy.. from where I was standing and I was amaze with what i was seeing. #lofi #europe #venice #italy #church #architecture
Enda Kaban: Another view of Piazza Del Duomo, from where I was standing. #lofi #fromwhereistand #firenze #italy #florence #florenceilove #piazzaduomo #europe
Enda Kaban: Chatedral Square is located in the heart of the historic center of Florence. It is one of the most visited places in Europe and the world. #church #europe #florence #italy #firenze #fromwhereistand #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography
Enda Kaban: One of the church in Firenze. Well, just come and see yourself! It's worth! I'll be back! #iphonesia #art #architecture #mei2016 #firenzecard #firenze #florence #italy #europe #church
Enda Kaban: One of best areas in Firenze, Piazza Del Duomo. Speechless when I saw these churches! The architecture was incredible! Location: Piazza Del Duomo, Firenze, Italy Date: May 17th, 2016 #church #italy #travelling #traveler #travel #history #firenze #firen
Enda Kaban: The Church of Santa Maria Novella might not be at the top of your list of places to visit in Florence but I highly recommend you place it on your visit list!. Architecturally, it is one of the most important Gothic churches in Tuscany. The exterior is the