sue_photographic_lover: sun reflection to the building
sue_photographic_lover: hotel and office buildings
sue_photographic_lover: office park tower
sue_photographic_lover: apartment buildings in far away
sue_photographic_lover: apartment building in our resort
sue_photographic_lover: lower part of the hotel across my office
sue_photographic_lover: office tower in south
sue_photographic_lover: menara prima and the east
sue_photographic_lover: staircase in my house
sue_photographic_lover: along glass window
sue_photographic_lover: fog covered the buildings
sue_photographic_lover: fog covered the buildings
sue_photographic_lover: long...deep...quiet...
sue_photographic_lover: was "Central Fire Station"
sue_photographic_lover: Lau Pa Sat - Festival Market
sue_photographic_lover: Lau Pa Sat - Festival Market