sue_photographic_lover: Bunga Wijaya Kusuma yang mekar malam ini, total ada 8 bunga... cantiiiq & wangiii....
sue_photographic_lover: waiting for sunset...
sue_photographic_lover: almost sunset...freezing outside...
sue_photographic_lover: after sunset...after the sun gone...
sue_photographic_lover: inside museum - 01
sue_photographic_lover: almost sunset on the harbour
sue_photographic_lover: light-house in Lengkuas Island
sue_photographic_lover: "stones island" closed to lengkuas island
sue_photographic_lover: man and his camera
sue_photographic_lover: in the middle of mangrove field
sue_photographic_lover: flower on the beach
sue_photographic_lover: fisherman-boat in the middle of the sea
sue_photographic_lover: new sea-harbour...
sue_photographic_lover: old fisherman-boat and mangrove trees...
sue_photographic_lover: Belitung in May
sue_photographic_lover: Tanjung Tinggi, Belitung on May
sue_photographic_lover: Epiphyllum oxypetalum w/ Nikon D300
sue_photographic_lover: Epiphyllum oxypetalum w/ Nikon D300
sue_photographic_lover: Epiphyllum oxypetalum w/ Nikon D300
sue_photographic_lover: Epiphyllum oxypetalum w/ Nikon D300
sue_photographic_lover: Tokyo by the river
sue_photographic_lover: in the morning
sue_photographic_lover: after the rain
sue_photographic_lover: sunset at mount fuji
sue_photographic_lover: sunset at mount fuji
sue_photographic_lover: wooden building
sue_photographic_lover: Addenium Red-kirin