leafstream: Kneeling geisha
A.casa.do.Guaxinim: Ref. Bolsa11
lucotinha (lúdico e inorgânico): ..Em um dia de outono...
rosaechocolat: e esta? lembram-se dela? ♥
Made by BeaG: Hearts (Hartjes) Hoopla
rettgrayson: Babette-ish cushion no. 2
angorafrosch.ch: P1000405
LauraLRF: Crochet Hooks Wrap
Dina´s nest: striped pouches
Made by BeaG: Door Stopper (Deurstopper)
irenestrange: Snoopy
amigurumis.nl: kerstgroep
amigurumis.nl: Stella the cow
Gilliauna: Elixir of Frost Teardrop Earrings Wire Wrapped in Gold
A.casa.do.Guaxinim: Lembranças de Casamento / Wedding gifts
A.casa.do.Guaxinim: Cão Salsicha / Dachshund
lakbdesign/fergusandme: vintage mccoy scandia
Pips-Trip: 1950s Marschner Kunsttopferei (West Germany) Vases
Pips-Trip: 1960s Steuler (West Germany) 'Zyklon' Pair Vases by Cari Zalloni
mosteringalisa: african flower cushion
Ms.toosh: AHHH Green monster!
KnittingGuru: Sweet Violets Capelet with Vintage Buttons
sukigirl74: stool wip
MiA Inspiration: African flowers bag "Polkadot"
A.casa.do.Guaxinim: Boneca com Ursinho / Doll with little bear
Jui Jah Fari: (c) " Face " - Bauhaus
apple cottage company: Fabric fishy bunch - red