emyduck: short vs tall
emyduck: deb
emyduck: what the....
emyduck: bobby z
emyduck: lick
emyduck: amy and maris
emyduck: lucas
emyduck: ben
emyduck: craig and hillary
emyduck: the pavillion
emyduck: don't take maris' picture
emyduck: brian
emyduck: me and hubb's teeth
emyduck: woah! that's a great photo there!
emyduck: ben?
emyduck: lucas?
emyduck: hillary
emyduck: flash vs. the bean
emyduck: Amadou and Mariam
emyduck: kariya and robert
emyduck: bad aim
emyduck: cheese
emyduck: robert
emyduck: pete and his lady friend
emyduck: us. and lucas.
emyduck: my ass
emyduck: woah
emyduck: maris
emyduck: shy