emyduck: We did it!! #franklloydwright5k #oakpark #worldsokayestrunner #teamilovefood
emyduck: Ready for tomorrow morning! #franklloydwright5k #oakpark #worldsokayestrunner #teamilovefood @philist @mrskellymariet @linztyler
emyduck: Bacon! #augustustaylor
emyduck: Today was horribly bad, but fitting in a short run and then watching Michelle and SNL and then ending with some crap TV while flipping through some cookbooks and drinking the last of the rosé since it was summer today - somehow we ended up on top today. :
emyduck: Belated happy birthday to my momma, Christine, who turned 65 years young last weekend. You're my biggest supporter and a kick ass grandma and the greatest teacher for all things homemade. I couldn't have survived the last 6 years as a momma myself without
emyduck: Stung. Today is the absolute worst. 😑🐝
emyduck: The big kid went home with a friend for a few hours, the little kid is napping, and I came home to find a cookbook that I forgot I preordered. Yay for today!
emyduck: Just made this kid's whole year. #augustustaylor
emyduck: If these can't make your day better, I don't know what can. #dahlias #flowersarethebestmedicine
emyduck: We are both a little under the weather today. Send healthy vibes. And soup.
emyduck: Budz 4 lyfe. #morealikethandifferent #augustustaylor
emyduck: The tree out front is killing it. πŸ‚#autumn
emyduck: Always be lunching.
emyduck: Channeling my inner grandma/librarian today. #ootd
emyduck: We have SO MANY APPLES. Dehydrating experiment underway. Tomorrow - roasted applesauce and fermenting. AUTUMN! β€οΈπŸπŸŽπŸ‚β€οΈ
emyduck: Workin' in my night moves. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ— #worldsokayestrunner #teamilikefood
emyduck: One of two crepe tartes for a baby shower today. This one is layered with roasted squash, toasted pumpkin seeds, and a caramelized onion goat cheese in between sage studded crepes. The other is a lemony chicken salad with apple and an herb cream cheese. P
emyduck: Pretty sure Gus is going to run away and join the circus now. Another excellent @mncircus show! #augustustaylor #midnightcircus
emyduck: Doing a small catering gig this weekend for a friend - it feels so good to be back at it, making lists, prepping and planning and getting my hands dirty making four things at once. Spent a good part of the morning rolling these truffles. Now I'd better pu
emyduck: Super special thanks to one of our favorite people -one of the kindest, most thoughtful, patient, generous and all around amazing humans we are lucky enough to call a friend, @helenboggess, for helping Henry continue to celebrate his birthday, and for jus
emyduck: Surprise visits are the best. #augustustaylor #ourdognorm
emyduck: Happy 6th birthday to my Henry Bear! My whip smart, creative and passionate firstborn. He loves reading (he read the first Harry Potter book last week!), drawing, Legos and Minecraft, and is kicking butt in kindergarten this year. I love watching him lear
emyduck: Who looks dumb in hats, has two thumbs, and is ready for her first 5k in 5 years? This girl! Three weeks to go to improve my time. #workingonit #worldsokayestrunner #ilikefood
emyduck: Happy second birthday to my sweet niece, Penelope! Donuts are the best birthday cakes.
emyduck: Current status. πŸƒπŸŒΏπŸŒ±πŸ€β˜˜πŸ²πŸ‘Œ
emyduck: How is he so freaking big? #augustustaylor
emyduck: We did some home improvement today. (Lots of math.) Paint is next. (Less math.)
emyduck: This little* 14 year old babe had her "senior" checkup at the vet today. (*Less than 6 lbs of #stellakitkat)
emyduck: SO ready for autumn.
emyduck: Ready for nap? #augustustaylor