EmXee: feelings prisoned in a heart, its hopeless to let'em free...
EmXee: The Old Yellow Feeling...
EmXee: Lady in Yellow
EmXee: Red Daisy
EmXee: HaPpY nEw YeAr "twenty eleven" 2011
EmXee: my new night lamp
EmXee: Its not what you see or think that matters.
EmXee: Blur but yet so Clear
EmXee: stepping stone
EmXee: Hot Sexy
EmXee: "Minivan 45" Happy Indipendence Day Maldives
EmXee: big blur KL skyline panorama
EmXee: The EYE
EmXee: Always and Forever
EmXee: light with in us grows more and more
EmXee: earth hour 2010
EmXee: M o V i N g O n . . . . . =D
EmXee: Perfect Timing
EmXee: Colors of Life 2
EmXee: its' Valentines Day "sparkles and shines""
EmXee: let there be Light in LIFE, let this candle Burn for ETERNITY
EmXee: An EYE that gives you the CREEPS
EmXee: Ending for a Beginning
EmXee: Life as I see it
EmXee: unfinished chapter....
EmXee: Reflections may not seem to be what they apper to be
EmXee: Salamat Hariraya Eid Mubaric "its all the same"
EmXee: I'm lost and I need to find you..
EmXee: ✭✭✭ Beginning of a Legend ✭✭✭
EmXee: Ages like this......... where we wanna stop growing....