emrold: Sun? Anyone?
emrold: Fallen but not forgotten 3/5
emrold: White out 1/5
emrold: Mother knows best 4/5
emrold: Not now; come back later 5/5
emrold: Wouldn't want to live on the left, wouldn't want to work on the right 1/5
emrold: I work out 2/5
emrold: Compare & contrast 5/5
emrold: Who needs cohesion? 3/5
emrold: Slippery when wet 4/5
emrold: An afternoon at the National Gallery 2/5
emrold: An afternoon at the National Gallery 1/5
emrold: An afternoon at the National Gallery 3/5
emrold: An afternoon at the National Gallery 4/5
emrold: An afternoon at the National Gallery 5/5
emrold: B&W isn't always the solution
emrold: 3/5 Architectural blues