Red Spacecat: AV-24B SeaHawk
th_squirrel: Prison
Drywаll: Walker Tank Update
Drywаll: Corporate APC
Drywаll: Shuttle WIP
Legohaulic: Halo Wraith
pasukaru76: Mikasa Ackermann
Geoshift: Titanfall Pilot
Legohaulic: Stryker
Ironsniper: TFM Drone Variants
KingBrick: Shepherd AP VT
n7mereel: Ambuscade - Main
Ironsniper: NATO Archer ACMV
peggyjdb: 9 - Overall view of Tigelfah
-Tayasuune-: Sure, I got some drones
Corvin Stichert: Strike Vector
Blake's Baericks: Millennium Falcon
Guy Smiley :-): Drone vehicle
Siercon and Coral: Fruit Sniper
Zachary Bean: Escape: Main
Ochre Jelly: LEGO twerking Miley Cyrus
| Fade |: Chronicles: Implementation
Geoshift: Crysis Nanosuit
Lego Junkie.: Welcome to District 9.
Stormbringer.: Pokemon Mecha
cjedwards47: Cyberpunk City at BrickFair 2013 07
cjedwards47: Cyberpunk City at BrickFair 2013 10
-infomaniac-: Edoras