Dead Slow: Roundhouse I
Day Waste: The Mac/ Germs
srk7doum: san francisco roots
Chris Hester: Tiled floor inside All Saints Church
à ciel ouvert: Os Gemeos details Niort 2002
mariana_dias: osgemeos @ fortes vilaça
mariana_dias: osgemeos @ fortes vilaça
mariana_dias: osgemeos @ fortes vilaça
mariana_dias: osgemeos @ fortes vilaça
mariana_dias: osgemeos @ fortes vilaça
drummergrrl: Llamas on the Beach
tburton: Llama Show, Georgia National Fair, Perry
street stars: nature slow buff
tejana: powerline pumps
nomalice: Pumps 05
wacky doodler: empte eyes stickers
sour mash: drive by shooting
_roberthardgrave_: the accuser
niznoz: tile
tamjpn: white dots
dwntwndwntwn: pinche cholo loco
Dennis Hayes IV: daniel egneus
Eric Hunt.: Mormodes rolfeana
*caramimi*: Signs - Adam 5100