The Empire of Signs: Pawsitively Adorable
The Empire of Signs: Lazy Wide Angle
The Empire of Signs: Hazy Sunday
The Empire of Signs: Flitter Atwitter
The Empire of Signs: Dorsally Recumbent
The Empire of Signs: Ape Mittens
The Empire of Signs: Size 11 and 1/2
The Empire of Signs: pfffthhhhggg
The Empire of Signs: Straight Chillin'
The Empire of Signs: Sweet Dreams
The Empire of Signs: God is always watching.
The Empire of Signs: Intensive Care
The Empire of Signs: It rubs the lotion on its skin.
The Empire of Signs: Friends Forever
The Empire of Signs: A Handle of Jack
The Empire of Signs: Like Fine China
The Empire of Signs: Gibson Valet
The Empire of Signs: Rien N'arrete Nos Esprits
The Empire of Signs: Ares' Arrows
The Empire of Signs: This way to Jonestown