Emory519: 2015-06-15 19.18.42
Emory519: 2015-06-15 19.18.46
Emory519: Fun in OCNJ
Emory519: speaks for itself
Emory519: Giving Rody a bath
Emory519: Taking a "nap" in Mama & Papa's bed, with Pokey
Emory519: Tuba Christmas
Emory519: He's almost bigger than the tuba...
Emory519: Un-Silent Night!
Emory519: Big Boy Swing at Barranca Park
Emory519: Diddly-Bo for Hakujin
Emory519: Bow's Grievous Injury
Emory519: Foot-long Corn Dog in TN
Emory519: Mr. Bubble is on speed-dial for Emory
Emory519: Right before he fell off...
Emory519: On the swings at USG's Playground!
Emory519: Who, me?
Emory519: Mama's Little Helper
Emory519: Checking out Baba's ornaments. Bow looks a little sad...
Emory519: Trashed his room and then fell asleep in his chair.
Emory519: "Calvin"
Emory519: Weirdo likes black licorice.
Emory519: "Calvin"
Emory519: Yummy
Emory519: Browsing at Target
Emory519: Having a Tea Party with Cameryn
Emory519: Checking out the baby chicks at Merry Mead with Cameryn
Emory519: Ridin' the hog in Glenside
Emory519: Hoop area at Mayfair (with Heed, not pictured)