Jac Vanek's shots: well this day was surely a blur...
Jac Vanek's shots: Ready for the pic?
Jac Vanek's shots: this picture embodies summer 2006 completely
Jac Vanek's shots: i miss these days
Jac Vanek's shots: me (an​d sas​ha)​ and​ bab​ar
Jac Vanek's shots: i lik​e wii​iii​ine​!
Jac Vanek's shots: puke party 07
Jac Vanek's shots: god was asking ben a question, thats why he isnt looking at the camera
Jac Vanek's shots: Nothing to do !
Jac Vanek's shots: it end​ed up on the​ int​ern​et.​
Jac Vanek's shots: Grrrrrrrr !
Jac Vanek's shots: Fuck you !
Jac Vanek's shots: so mon​ey.​
Jac Vanek's shots: five churros and twenty profane comments later...
Jac Vanek's shots: whats up lazy eyes!
Jac Vanek's shots: street scene. i was a skittle. a mad skittle.
Jac Vanek's shots: our duel personalities. alysia's duel personality is moron
Jac Vanek's shots: ryland's sexy mustang photoshoot
Jac Vanek's shots: dream team
Jac Vanek's shots: Dream team ll
Jac Vanek's shots: Cavil At Rest
Jac Vanek's shots: blonde sangwich.
Jac Vanek's shots: prom pics. my prom date stalked me big time.
Jac Vanek's shots: i shouldn't have texted him this night.