Jac Vanek's shots: i don't have eyes apparently. i
Jac Vanek's shots: i've missed this shirt.
Jac Vanek's shots: burn, burn, burn.
Jac Vanek's shots: i have no idea who this dude is. holla!
Jac Vanek's shots: TAKE MY NEW POLL!
Jac Vanek's shots: someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair.
Jac Vanek's shots: i get the feeling we have lost control...
Jac Vanek's shots: the killer candy store shoot
Jac Vanek's shots: waiting on the world to change
Jac Vanek's shots: three blondes are better than one
Jac Vanek's shots: they're catching onto us
Jac Vanek's shots: bein the bum i am...
Jac Vanek's shots: welcome to our world, we are the wasted youth.
Jac Vanek's shots: Ironically, Chuck Norris’ hidden talent is invisibility.
Jac Vanek's shots: headphones
Jac Vanek's shots: unfortunately, my hair is one big dread.
Jac Vanek's shots: monsters 216
Jac Vanek's shots: internet celebs at your service haha PSYCH
Jac Vanek's shots: balloooons
Jac Vanek's shots: look at taryn in the background!!
Jac Vanek's shots: i loveeee steven
Jac Vanek's shots: headphones