laura@popdesign: D. Mazzieri - Banana Benvenuti
Only Lines 2: Underwater
Rubistyle ~Amy~: Lorem Ipsum
State Library and Archives of Florida: Pine Crest School student carving a Halloween pumpkin: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Cooper: Photographer Cat: Flamingos and Candy Canes
fangchun15: flying
htakat: untitled
sickfede: outOfTheWindowOnToTheDome!
waspmeat.: holy mackerals.
The Library of Congress: This girl in a glass house is putting finishing touches on the bombardier nose section of a B-17F navy bomber, Long Beach, Calif. She's one of many capable women workers in the Douglas Aircraft Company plant. Better known as the "Flying Fortress," the B-1
minililimi: lustro
srta_k: Octopus
sasha_egoroff: DSC01788-1
Banjo Brown: Bruce Wayne has nothing on this kid.
National Science and Media Museum: Children paddling in the sea
B_! **: ...ME PARTI EL PIE!
tsienni: Subway
m+b: Qutb Shahi Tombs mosque
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Young woman wearing a swimsuit at Southport, 1940
sonobugiardo: fred buscaglione e gli asternovas
Jay Panelomo: low down Louvre
p_a_u_l_o: Orange