kaede1969: Gen Hagiwara and his exhibition
ale_beber_origami: Pentagonal Tessellation (Andrew Hudson)
mmukhopadhyay: I am with her - Meenakshi Mukerji
Rui.Roda: Sakura Star (Spring Edition) - Ali Bahmani
mmukhopadhyay: With Michael LaFosse at PCOC 2013
mmukhopadhyay: With Makoto Yamaguchi at PCOC 2013
mmukhopadhyay: With Rebecca Gieseking and Beth Johnson
mmukhopadhyay: With Jon Tucker, Jared Needle and Eric Gjerde at CenterFold 2015
mmukhopadhyay: With Assia and Dave Brill at Stanford Univ, 2014
mmukhopadhyay: With Bernie Peyton at PCOC 2013
mmukhopadhyay: With Andrew Hudson and Chris Itoh at CAL Origami, EBOC 2012
mitanei: Money Bike
mitanei: Good Talk
Tom Crain Origami: M2V Triangle Twist Variation: Side A
Tom Crain Origami: Arrowheads
Tom Crain Origami: Red Oak and Brass
esli24: German Origami Convention 2016 Berlin-Erkner
mmukhopadhyay: With OrigamiUSA President Wendy Zeichner, OrigaMIT 2015
mmukhopadhyay: All 3 Sonobe objects are constructed out of 6 units!
mmukhopadhyay: OrigaMIT 2015
mmukhopadhyay: OrigaMIT 2015
mmukhopadhyay: OrigaMIT 2015 Group Photo
mmukhopadhyay: Beth Johnson taught her Spiral Owl
mmukhopadhyay: Little Flowers Variation - Meenakshi Mukerji
mmukhopadhyay: Blooming Buds - Meenakshi Mukerji
mmukhopadhyay: No, I did not go origami grocery shopping!
polyscene: Marbled Paper 3D
polyscene: Iterations
polyscene: Aztec pattern