albert dros: Naarden Vesting Storm
里卡豆: 眠月線|阿里山
Karsten Gieselmann: The art of symmetry - Press Z to zoom !!
里卡豆: Milkyway|合歡山銀河
里卡豆: 鍵盤魔人就是你|大ㄟ
Rinaldo Lima: typing...
Rinaldo Lima: diz que compra
albert dros: Golden Harmony
FotoRabiscos (infrared): "may I help you?"
FotoRabiscos (infrared): the truth seeker
里卡豆: 富士山天空之鏡|FUJISAN
FotoRabiscos (infrared): a proud mother
C Searle: 043
C Searle: 042
C Searle: 041
里卡豆: 都電荒川線|Tokyo
Miguel Ortiz: 20221213 Bardenas Reales-050_AR
里卡豆: 箱根 蘆之湖|Hakone
里卡豆: 宜蘭空拍夜拍|Yilan Aerial footage
Janine4d: Abstract and colourful
damianmkv: graffiti flyover
khanhjin: fisman on heaven
里卡豆: 科湳愛琴橋|Taichung
albert dros: Frozen Mountain