jasontheaker: Limestone Pavements
Splat Worldwide: Monument Valley
Travis Lawton: Two Ferns
Extra Medium: Fingerstache vs. Mustache
Miguel Vera: 1967
rouseandgeorge: Quiero un teclado así!!!
alison lyons photography: I don’t care if monday’s blue
Quyntessential: Saturday dewdrop
Norby: Taming the Lightning
Miguel Vera: Pimentel de nuevo / Pimentel again
Travis Lawton: The Fog
blamstur: Leaf and Drop in black and white
Miguel Vera: De Pie sobre el Horizonte / Standing on the Horizon
Miguel Vera: Almendrucos / Unripe Almonds
Extra Medium: This is how God envisioned it.
skooterdawg: The Swarm
missmerv: Kelp
Judi Lyn: Zinnia
blamstur: Magnolia center
ReiMontana: Wide_Comparison (Canon EF-S)
penner42: Santa Barbara Fair & Expo
-cr: With All These Colors ...