Andreas Weibel: Rojo vivo - Surfer en la Playa de Famara, Lanzarote
maxim de winter..on /off: el duero corre, terso y mudo, mansamente.
JF Marrero: P2100460
JF Marrero: _MG_4005
JF Marrero: _MG_4271
Pilar Azaña Talán : HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HALINA! ♥ kisses ♥
wittap: Asperitas Cloud, formerly Undulatus Asperatus
meghimeg: Il piccione
PaoloTS: Biciclette
Denise Worden: Across The Water
Antonio Vaccarini: Parco Regionale Sirente Velino
Narzouko: Umbredda
MLazarevski: Folklore and Youth
Clementqc: Romantic Mandalay
Lord Jezzer: Lemon Lime
Markus Schwarze: Malia for NINE TO FIVE
masaimanta: MOLINOS
Le Xuan-Cung: young and innocent
Urban.Photography: {explored} bursting
nustyR AirTeamImages: 8 X MD-11's in one picture @ FRA D-ALCL, D-ALCA, D-ALCB, D-ALCD, D-ALCS, D-ALCF, D-ALCP and D-ALCI is at final. [explore]
5ERG10: Bo-Kaap, The Cape Malay Quarter, Cape Town
*Lie ... on & off ... too busy !: Prague , over the Red Rooftops ....
GBoGBo: IMG_0313
Yen Baet: New York City - Window View of Empire State Building
Angelo Henry: Top of the World
d.r.i.p.: New York